Today I would like you to take a look at my new piece of work on classroom discipline.
Let´s collaborate! Feel free to give any feedback you feel like.
It would be interesting to know your opinion.
Here I go....
Classroom discipline.
the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do
the thing you have to do, whether you like it or not´´. (Thomas Henry Huxley,
Discipline is one of my
core values in this life. The heart of my mind. It helps me to organize my
thoughts and knit the thread of my life without regretting anything. Being a
teacher and a mother of two kids I´m convinced that without discipline we
can not achieve some of the essential
objectives: culture, positive attitude towards other people and social
institutions in the society we live in, consistency in everything we do,
politeness, respect towards oneself and other people, empathy...
is a pillar of the classroom management, since without it would be impossible
to establish a due order in the classroom. Harmony in a class and a positive
relationship between a teacher and his/her students tell us about the
discipline that reigns in that class and a great deal of work done by both
participants of the process.

We, teachers, should manage
to find solutions to such discipline alterations by seeking opportunities to
develop rapport in our classes bit by bit and with a lot of patience on both
sides. To succeed in such a difficult task we should practise consistency while
administering classroom discipline. It is useful to pair actions with their
appropriate consequences.
Students will be able to maintain discipline
if we discuss from time to time desirable and undesirable behaviours. Setting
up a code of rules elaborated between students and teachers will definitely
bring discipline and order into our classes.
There is no point in
dominating our pupils and showing our power as teachers, trying in this way to
make them study, because students´ conduct is impossible to manage from a
The only thing that works is proximity!
Getting closer to your students opens you a way to their hearts and minds. At
first subconsciously and later consciously they will realize that we, teachers,
are working and struggling for the same goal.

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