Everything is evolving, nobody can stop growing life !
Some of them are with us for a while, others for a long period of time.

As a result , our life is getting much more interesting, full of colours and new forms.
We tend to investigate and discover the unknown. That is the way to live our life, since it is short and we can not predict anything!
Today I invite you to talk about webquests.
Do you agree with me that this kind of activity is of huge relevance nowadays ?
I wish we could discuss this topic and enrich each other´s experience.
The usefulness of webquests.
From my point of view this type of activity
is a powerful tool, because webquests help us, teachers, encourage students to
read, write, listen and speak in English. ´´Educators must find research-based,
effective pedagogical strategies to incorporate these new tools into
instruction´´ (Brucklacher and Gimbert, 1999)
Webquests bring the real
situations into the class making students feel themselves highly motivated,
generating interest and promoting critical thinking skills. While searching for
authentical resources to learn how to select content and critically analyze it
to in the end make their final product informative and relevant thanks to
collaboration of the whole class.
There are lots of advantages of using
web-quests that have to do with such important points for classroom management
as motivation, integration, discipline, independence and responsibility for
their own learning. Being
motivated students work hard on their tasks and there is hardly anybody
who has a reason not to do it, as all
of them are conscious that without collaboration and agreement they will not be
able to gain their aim- to create their own ´´ masterpiece´´. They know and feel during the process that they are
bound to succeed in fulfilling their promise if everyone takes into account
that effectiveness depends on their discipline, highly- organized interaction,
emotional climate.’ Face-to-face interaction is embedded in the webquest
strategy, as students provide each other with assistance to complete the
webquest task´´(Doolittle, 1997)
Web-quests prove to be one
of the most effective activities that help teachers to cope with discipline,
classroom control and establishing rapport in teacher- student
relationship.´´...it is a time where they can learn something important...they
get to show off their creativity and their ability to work with others´´(
wonder what will happen to web-quests in the future...
They´ll probably be
transformed into a more complete and ideal type of activities for future
students, as everything that have to do with the internet will definitely have
a ´totally new look´ providing students with the new tools and resources.
It would not be a bad idea
to encourage our students to investigate and make their own discoveries related
to the webquests .
I´m always wondering what
will my pupils do with the knowledge they learn from any webquests? And I must
say that there is a huge universe of opportunities. It depends on their actual
needs and real situation – everyday life. Having a good base any student is
capable of modelling his/her own ways to perfect the existing webquests and
make the important contribution to the whole class work. Shared learning experiences
and new knowledge are what the students obtain from the webquests and precisely
shared learning experiences make them grow mentally and perceive the process of
SLA from a new for them perspective.

Best regards.
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